Thursday, April 23, 2009

A surfer on Lake Tahoe...

On my last trip to Lake Tahoe I met with about 1,000 other business owners from around the world. After about 10 days of meetings I took a break and walked out to the pier. The water was so glassy that I had to go in it. I figured nobody would notice me slip outa my dress clothes and go swimming in my BBD’s. Just as I took off my pants a guy came cruzing by on a paddle board.

I asked him

“Brah, Please, Can I borrow that? I’m a surfer who hasen’t been on the water in 10 days.” He said “Sure” , but you can put your pants back on. If you don’t fall you won’t even get wet.”

So I put on my pants and rolled up the legs JNK of E (Just In Case of Emergency).

Luckily, I had tried this stand up paddle stuff once before…(I had fallen so many times.)

As I paddled out into the horizon and looked back at the pier and the Hyatt Conference rooms, I had a big smile!

I was on the water in the middle of Lake Tahoe. It was beautiful. The mountains had snow and the sky was sunny. The water was so clear that I could see the bottom. It must’ve been seventy feet deep! I even saw a flounder on the bottom. (He gave me side eye!)

Then I started to think…”What would happen if I fell in? The water was freezing. Would I freeze before I could paddle back? I looked down and the board started to wobble. Composing my balance I set my sights back to the pier and made it back there. A woman took these pictures as I gave the triumphant petroglypf paddler stance. It reminded me of the time Mark Peleholani and I paddled back to Kure atoll from Beyond the Hawaiian archepelego. But that’s another story…

1 comment:

ghandigirl said...

The lake is gorgeous. You're lucky you put your pants back on since that flounder was giving you the eye! Funny guy!!

Interesting Facts about Patrick-Warning! Only one is not true. Can you guess which one??

-Patrick Ching was adopted and raised by a pack of Wild Mongoose in Moanalua Valley.

-A large tiger shark dislocated Patrick’s left shoulder with the swish of its tail on the 4th of July at French Frigate Shoals atoll. Patrick relocated his shoulder a short time later.

-Patrick developed his unique accent from spending years of his life talking only to turtles, birds and seals.

-After being run over repeatedly by bulls Patrick developed a bazaar addiction to the smell of a bulls forehead.

-A pair of humpback whales breached on Patrick while he was surfing at Sandy Beach with his brand new surf board from Kimo’s surf hut.

The whales took the surfboard, with the help of an octopus, and demanded six million in herring or they would Kill the board.

Youtube slideshow