Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Naturally Hawaiian Sale RECAP. We were on the news and on the air!

We had another successful Holiday Sale this year. Thanks to all who came out. For those who missed it, SWEET HOME WAIMANALO was giving away free plate lunches that included their smoked chiken and a smoked pig that they caught and cooked themselves, Naturally Hawaiian style!

Lots of old and new friends made it out to show their support by getting the new monk seal t-shirts. KHNL paid a visit and featured us on the 7pm and 9pm news on Channel 8 and Channel 5. (We will be including that clip here once we have it uplaoded to youtube.)

Also, Daniela called into KSSK and they aired a PSA for us as well.

Just a reminder, my originals will still be showing until the 1st of the year, so you still have time to get one for the holidays!

Thanks to all who came by and showed their support and Aloha. We are looking forward to an exciting new year and can't wait for you to see all the exciting things we have planned!

Interesting Facts about Patrick-Warning! Only one is not true. Can you guess which one??

-Patrick Ching was adopted and raised by a pack of Wild Mongoose in Moanalua Valley.

-A large tiger shark dislocated Patrick’s left shoulder with the swish of its tail on the 4th of July at French Frigate Shoals atoll. Patrick relocated his shoulder a short time later.

-Patrick developed his unique accent from spending years of his life talking only to turtles, birds and seals.

-After being run over repeatedly by bulls Patrick developed a bazaar addiction to the smell of a bulls forehead.

-A pair of humpback whales breached on Patrick while he was surfing at Sandy Beach with his brand new surf board from Kimo’s surf hut.

The whales took the surfboard, with the help of an octopus, and demanded six million in herring or they would Kill the board.

Youtube slideshow